Sunday, December 4, 2011

Project 4: Matchbook Keepsake

I've been collecting books/boxes of matches for a while.  Since I was in the midst of doing this challenge, I figured I may as well do something with them.  I think that'll be the case with a lot of these projects.

Supplies Used:
Shadow Box
Hot Glue Gun
Collection of matchbooks

I'm really happy with the results of this project.  The hardest part was doing the layout.  I placed everything on the board and kept playing with the arrangement until I was happy.  Originally I was going to just have the matchbooks laid out all simple. Then I decided to look into one of the boxes and noticed that the matches look cool!  So I played around with that.  I also thought it was a nice touch to have some matches laying out.  I used the hot glue gun to hold everything in place.

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