Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Project 6: Shadowbox of Condoms

This summer the Division of University Life put together safer sex kits for the Metro DC area.  In these kits were some nifty condoms by One.  One does a cool thing of allowing people to design the packaging.  I kept noticing cool things in the packaging and held onto a few.  I vowed back in July, that I would make something with them.

I made a stop by Michael's Arts and Crafts tonight and picked up some inexpensive shadow boxes.  Let me just tell you that you get what you pay for.  There's a reason you get 3 shadowboxes for a good price. LOL  At any rate, it all worked out.

Supplies Used:
Glue Gun
Scissors/Circular cutter

I took the shadowbox and had to add my own cloth background to the board. Normally it comes already covered. Luckily I had some back fabric that did the trick.  I got out the trusty glue gun and adhered ithe fabric to the backing board and began to layout the condoms. I used a circular cutter to trim off the excess fabric.

Once I figured out the layout of the condoms, I decided to raise some of the packages to give it some dimension in the case.

The only thing that I would do differently is to buy a larger and higher quality shadowbox. With more space I could have done the layout more creatively.

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